Saturday, July 27, 2013

Back to Posting! + Turquoise Necklace & Kickin' It!

Hey Jammers! Good news! I'm back to posting! I've been so busy for the last couple of days and I haven't been able to keep up with the blog. But now, hopefully, I can keep up the track of the blog for the next few days!

Today's item is the turquoise necklace, which came out in Epic Wonders for 1,500 gems! Something Indians used, I suppose? It's very pretty and is also available in a variety of colors! I need one. ^-^
Also, the silly animation video called Kickin' It is out for all Jammers to see at the Conversation Museum! I recorded it myself for you guys who haven't seen it and I did a pretty laggy job but it's a nice little animation, hm?
I would do the posts I missed this week but I have to get off the computer for today. Happy Jamming!
~ Frosty


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If you guys can follow this rule, I'll be really grateful! Bye!

~ Frosty