Sunday, August 11, 2013

Police Hats + Slingshots?

Hey Jammers! Sorry for the late post (again)! I slept in late and I'm supposed to go back to school shopping soon. >.<

But, anywho, the police hat came back out in Jam-Mart clothing for 150 gems! I'm kind of angry about this. I had two police hats before they came out, one regular color and one yellow. HQ better not bring out any other good betas, like scary non-member bat wings, or I'll be really ticked! (I'm sure bepper, GummyUnicorn and Julian2 will be too.)

Also, have you Jammers been noticing people want good betas for their slingshots? I heard you can get one on hard-mode of the adventures but really, a beta worn for a slingshot? People are trying to out-trade others! I call that scamming because it's un-fair and not truthful.

Picture in courtesy of Animal Jam Spirit Blog.

Anyway, that's it for today's post. Happy Jamming!

~ Frosty


  1. someone wanted 2 pirate swords for there sling shot! can you believe that?! of course, i said NO. so stay smart jammers!!! C}^:

  2. To get a slingshot You go on the portal adventure and open the fox cave. Then you open the lion cave! From Creamy61617

  3. Does anyone know how rare the green slingshot is I have one.

  4. I have a green slingshot. I'm deciding what to trade it for.

  5. I have all color slingshots anyone want to trade for one?

  6. i have a orange 1?
    if anyone wants to offer, im
    Monkey21971. :D Bye

  7. I have a Blue one if u want it idc for it su
    Tori12121v is me

  8. I Have a green one if anyone wants it. Im not picky so i'll most likeyly accept. My user: imyselfandme


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~ Frosty