Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Animal Jam: Paw Print Vase, Epic Den of The Week & Posts from HQ!

Hey Jammers! I decided to put a little more effort in my blogging for you guys. :) But today, the paw print vase came out in stores! Should we be angry or happy that this den beta came out?

Also, HQ posted an article about bugs and glitches! I remember way back when there were so many glitches in Jamaa! It was fun when it lasted.

Also, here's the Epic Den of The Week posted by HQ on the blog! Congrats to Snowflake Clevermaster for the awesome den! 

Truly, I like to keep my den organized. I'm so clean. How about you? :) Happy Jamming!

~ Frosty

1 comment:

  1. hi im a good friend of woomoo and yea he is so cool im giving out a rare spike and headdress betas and stuff plz come on animal jam and jam a gram me telling me why u want it my user is snowypaw112 thx jam on!


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~ Frosty